Semen Lost at Sea...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Kids Smiling at me...

Right now I'm in Huntington Beach, CA on a business trip for about 2 months with a small at-home break in-between. It's really cool that while I'm here I get to spend alot of time on the weekends with my brother - we've been hitting some touristy spots, the beach, etc. What's interesting to me is that I am noticing that there are alot of little kids who catch my eye - smiling at me (or maybe someone behind me, who knows). Anyway, what does it mean? Do they see you as a pure soul who's going through alot of pain wishing for one of their own to come along? Do they see that I'm a natural fit to be a father - a really good one? It happens all the time.

I'm also noticing alot of transracial kids running around with their white families, and it's a nice thing to see... Just makes me excited about having our adopted children from S. America someday!


  • Hi honey! I have wondered the same thing when a baby catches my eye. They look at me so deeply. I really think babies are closer to G-d than we adults and have not yet forgotten the stuff that is behind the veil. it is kind of like a urgent message from Lassi..."What boy, are you saying Timmy fell in a well? Roof Roof...Oh he fell out of a tree! Good boy" Do these babies speak with their eyes...oh I do hope so and that they see a child within me...

    I do notice many families that are obviously not related. I sometimes almost stare because I relate to that. I am always concerned that they think I may be judging them or gawking in fact it is the opposite..I want to be like them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 PM  

  • oops I forgot to sign that..but I am sure you know who is calling you honey least you better;) alexhere from your kitchen ...the infertile gourmet

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:47 PM  

  • Perhaps you are seeing your own hopes and dreams reflected back at you...

    By Blogger Silly Old Bear, at 5:00 PM  

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